* I received this book for free from Revell Publishing Company as part of their Blogger Book Tour program*
I have the first two books in this series, Sarai and Rebekah, written by Jill Eileen Smith. I bought both of them, and was so excited when I saw the last one Rachel was up for review. I was so glad to be able to have the whole series. This book was so good. It follows the story of Jacob and his two wives Rachel and Leah. When I read this story in the Bible, I often find myself just brushing over the emotions of the story. I always think of Jacob's disappointment, but often times forget the emotional hardship of Rachel and Leah. Leah was the older one, and when her younger sister got engaged, it was hard on her. I, being the oldest, could somewhat relate to those feelings. She worried she would never get married if her younger sister got married before her. So, her mother told her to go in place of Rachel. For Rachel, I'm sure it was a very traumatic experience to have your sister marry the man you love. The deception set the stage for the rest of their lives. Rachel could not have children until she was older, and Leah had many children, which she thought would earn Jacob's love. There is so much conflict in this story, and it was so good for me to read it. It makes the Bible story come to life, and you can relate to how they are feeling. We don't know exactly how the characters felt in the Bible, but I think it's safe to assume what human feelings arise in different situations. Over all I would give this book at 5 out of 5, and I would highly recommend it to those who like reading Bible stories.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
There was a recent circumstance that made me think about how
ungrateful I really am. I have a really special friend who recently decided to
not go back to school, because that is what she felt God wants her to do. Same
situation as me. One difference is God hasn’t provided her with a job yet. It’s
really discouraging for her to sit at home and do nothing, and she feels a
burden to provide for herself. Reason #1 why I felt ungrateful: It is hard for
her to see her friends have to pay for gas, rent, insurance, you name it, and
she can’t because she doesn’t have the funds. I complain all.the.time about
having to pay for stuff even though I live at home. Really? I should be so
incredibly grateful that I have jobs so that I can provide for myself. Plus, it
really is a good money management learning experience. Reason #2 why I felt
ungrateful: She sits at home having a hard time finding things to do. Me?
Sometimes I complain about being so busy, and I just to sit at home. Lazy? Very
much so. I need to be grateful that God has provided work for me, and I need to
find fulfillment and purpose in that job, because I am a steward of it. I have
so much opportunity there, and so much more than if I was at home doing
nothing. So I am grateful. Sometimes God just has to put that thought into your
head that you have nothing to complain about, and everything you are
complaining about, you need to me thankful for. I wonder how many other times I
complain about things, and they are actually things I need to be grateful for.
Definitely something I’m going to have to work on. So if you remember, pray for
my friend. She is ambitious and wants to use the talents God has given her.
Pray that she can have patience and trust in God’s timing.
A few quotes that I pray can encourage her during this time.
God aims to exalt Himself by working for those who wait for
-John Piper
God meets daily needs daily. Not weekly or annually. He will
give you what you need when it is needed.
-Max Lucado
A season of suffering is a small assignment when compared to
the reward. Rather than begrudge your problem, explore it. Ponder it. And most
of all use it. Use it to the glory of God.
-Max Lucado
So to you my friend: I can’t wait to see how much God
blesses you after you patiently wait on His will and timing. And in the mean
time, know that I am praying for you often.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Real-Book Review
*I received this book for Bethany House Publishers as part of their blogger review program*
In the book Real by Jamie Synder, he discusses his somewhat
annoyance with Sundays. At first I was like, is this really ok? But the more I
read, the more I completely agreed with him! It is somewhat frustrating that Sunday is
called “the Lord’s day”. What about the rest of the days? Do we only serve him
on Sunday? He deserves to have every day be called “the Lord’s day”! Snyder
challenges us as Christians to be a 24/7 follower of Jesus. He said that he has
seen so many so-called Christians use Sunday as a way to look the part, but
they are not truly sold out for Jesus. How true that is! It becomes like a
check off for some people. I often wonder, what if there wasn’t Sundays? Would
people know that I was a Christian? This book challenged me in so many
different ways, and it’s definitely a keeper. I highly recommend it to those
who do use church as a check off to look good. The Christian life is so much
more than church. It’s about living out the gospel 24/7!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I'm thankful that my Great-Grandma Endress has finally made it to her heavenly home. I know she has been wanting to go ever since her last stroke. She will be greatly missed, but I'm thankful she is in a better place. She was such a godly example to her children, grandchildren, and great-children. She truly is and example that your life effects those who come after you, and thankfully Jesus Christ was in her life! Last Friday night, we(Rhea, Brooke Schumacher, and I) went and visited her for the last time. We knew it would probably be the last time we would see her. She was pretty unresponsive, so it was kind of difficult not really getting to talk to her. She knew we were there, because she nodded her head when we said who we were. She has been talking of heaven and seeing Gail this last week. Gail is my Mom's little sister who died when she was 2 years old. She briefly died for 20 minutes, so she had seen some family in heaven. I can only imagine her happiness right now! It makes me yearn for heaven so much too! There is a song that recently has become one of my favorites, and is really meaningful at this time. It's such a beautiful song, and makes me tear up every time I listen to it, because of my love and unworthiness of Jesus.
Wedding Day-Casting Crowns
There's a stirring in the throne room
And all creation holds it's breath
Waiting now to see the bridgegroom
Wondering how the bride will dress
And she wears white
And she knows that she's undeserving
She bears the shame of history
But this worn and weary maiden
Is not the bride that he sees
And she wears white head to toe
But only he can make it so
There's a stirring in the throne room
And all creation holds it's breath
Waiting now to see the bridgegroom
Wondering how the bride will dress
And she wears white
And she knows that she's undeserving
She bears the shame of history
But this worn and weary maiden
Is not the bride that he sees
And she wears white head to toe
But only he can make it so
When someone dries your tears
When someone wins your heart and says your beautiful
When you don't know you are
And all you long to see
Is written on his face
Love has come and finally set you free
On that wedding day
On that wedding day
When someone dries your tears
When someone wins your heart and says your beautiful
When you don't know you are
And all you long to see
Is written on his face
Love has come and finally set you free
On that wedding day
On that wedding day
She has danced in golden castles
And she has crawled through beggar's dust
But today she stands before him
And she wears his righteousness
And she will be who he adores
And this is what he made her for
She has danced in golden castles
And she has crawled through beggar's dust
But today she stands before him
And she wears his righteousness
And she will be who he adores
And this is what he made her for
When the hand that bears the only scars
In heaven touch her face
And the last tears she'll ever cried
Are finally wiped away
And the clouds roll back as he takes her hand
And walks her through the gates
Forever we will reign
When the hand that bears the only scars
In heaven touch her face
And the last tears she'll ever cried
Are finally wiped away
And the clouds roll back as he takes her hand
And walks her through the gates
Forever we will reign
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Pilgrimage-Book Review
*I received this book for free from Bethany House Publishers as part of their blogger review program*
In this book, Lynn Austin wrote about her journey through Israel. She had been going through a dry time in her life, where it was hard to see what God's plan for her life was. All her children had moved out and no longer needed her, and she didn't know what her purpose was. She took a trip to Israel and as she journeyed, she paralleled each part of the journey to a part of her life, and how she can see God's purpose for her life. While it was laid out very creatively, it got dry at times. I think it would be interesting to read it when you were in Israel at each site, which I hope to do some day. Also, I feel as though she wrote it as a journal for herself, which God can use to encourage others, it just wasn't something I necessarily am struggling with right now. Over all, I would give this book a 4 out of 5 if there was a rating scale.
Chronological Life Application Study Bible-Book Review
*I received this book for free from Tyndale Publishers as part of their blogger review program*
When I received the email with the choice of books to review, I didn't even question about picking another one. I mean really, who wouldn't want a free Bible? When it came in the mail, it was more than I expected. It seriously is the greatest Bible. It is loaded with so much information and facts. Another great thing about this Bible is that it is obviously in chronological order. It can become confusing with the chapters all mixed up, but eventually you get use to it. It is not the Bible I use as my main Bible. It is great to use when I am planning a Bible study or just if I want to know a little more about a certain character of the Bible or anything else. And it's in King James Version:) I would highly recommend this to others. It is a great Bible, and I'm so glad I chose to review it!
When I received the email with the choice of books to review, I didn't even question about picking another one. I mean really, who wouldn't want a free Bible? When it came in the mail, it was more than I expected. It seriously is the greatest Bible. It is loaded with so much information and facts. Another great thing about this Bible is that it is obviously in chronological order. It can become confusing with the chapters all mixed up, but eventually you get use to it. It is not the Bible I use as my main Bible. It is great to use when I am planning a Bible study or just if I want to know a little more about a certain character of the Bible or anything else. And it's in King James Version:) I would highly recommend this to others. It is a great Bible, and I'm so glad I chose to review it!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Christmas 2013
Christmas went by in a flash. It always does. It was seriously a great Christmas though. So many good memories and time spent with family. And of course the best gift is Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on calvary! I have lots of pictures, so I won't bore you with my ramblings.
After the Christmas program we always have to eat some of our candy...
And Dad makes popcorn, which is one of his specialties by the way.
Sporting the new outfit I got her for Christmas.
And so is she.
And she is too.
Marking present properties
Seriously. I laugh every time I see this picture. Funniest thing ever.
Pure joy right there. She got everything she wished for for Christmas. Spoiled...
Claire wrote a paper about what her perfect gift would be, so Mom bought her one.
Too bad it's not a real car...
Her proud look just cracks me up. She was sooo excited about her American Girl Doll.
Setting up Sophie's biggest present.
A train set. It was Dad's idea apparently. Somehow that does not surprise me.
Christmas dinner 2013.
Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake made by me.
Fresh veggies prepared by Tessa.
Loaded Baked Potatoes made by Mom.
Cinnamon Sugar Biscuits made by Cassie.
Corn and Bacon dip made by Rhea.
Kylie, Tessa, and Kaiya.
Larae, Rhea, Cassie, and Marissa
Game time.
The annual "Recite your Christmas program piece"
And they always make Dad copy this one piece that some girl said a long time ago. Every year. Never fails.
And Grandpa was just reading the whole time. Something about how corrupt our government is. He told after reading it, "Don't spend another penny. Not one." Ok, I guess I'll die...
Don't let this make you think we just sit around all day. I didn't get a picture of the 12 a.m. basketball game that all the men were playing in the big gym.
This pretty much explains Rhea and Sophie's relationship. Rhea tries to get her to like her...
But Sophie only smiles for me:)
Ellie's going to be mischievous one
Chow time.
The 6 girlies again on Christmas. They are getting to be quite the bunch.
And that pretty much sums up my Christmas. I didn't get any pictures with the Berchtold side of the family, but we had a fun time being with them too. I'm so blessed by both my families. I hope each and every one of you also had a wonderful Christmas.
After the Christmas program we always have to eat some of our candy...
And Dad makes popcorn, which is one of his specialties by the way.
Sporting the new outfit I got her for Christmas.
And so is she.
And she is too.
Marking present properties
Seriously. I laugh every time I see this picture. Funniest thing ever.
Pure joy right there. She got everything she wished for for Christmas. Spoiled...
Claire wrote a paper about what her perfect gift would be, so Mom bought her one.
Too bad it's not a real car...
Her proud look just cracks me up. She was sooo excited about her American Girl Doll.
Setting up Sophie's biggest present.
A train set. It was Dad's idea apparently. Somehow that does not surprise me.
Christmas dinner 2013.
Meat made by Dad.
Salad made by Claire.Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake made by me.
Fresh veggies prepared by Tessa.
Loaded Baked Potatoes made by Mom.
Cinnamon Sugar Biscuits made by Cassie.
Corn and Bacon dip made by Rhea.
Kylie, Tessa, and Kaiya.
Larae, Rhea, Cassie, and Marissa
Game time.
The annual "Recite your Christmas program piece"
And they always make Dad copy this one piece that some girl said a long time ago. Every year. Never fails.
And Grandpa was just reading the whole time. Something about how corrupt our government is. He told after reading it, "Don't spend another penny. Not one." Ok, I guess I'll die...
Don't let this make you think we just sit around all day. I didn't get a picture of the 12 a.m. basketball game that all the men were playing in the big gym.
This pretty much explains Rhea and Sophie's relationship. Rhea tries to get her to like her...
But Sophie only smiles for me:)
Ellie's going to be mischievous one
Chow time.
The 6 girlies again on Christmas. They are getting to be quite the bunch.
And that pretty much sums up my Christmas. I didn't get any pictures with the Berchtold side of the family, but we had a fun time being with them too. I'm so blessed by both my families. I hope each and every one of you also had a wonderful Christmas.
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