Monday, February 17, 2014

Chicago 2014

What a weekend. I felt so blessed by the end of it. I was a little nervous about if everything would turn out or not, but thankfully it did. I was most nervous about the hotel room. You are suppose to be 21 to get a hotel room, so I was praying that they would not check my license. It's probably kind of deceitful, but we needed a place to stay. We left at around 3:30ish on Friday afternoon, praying the roads would be ok. I was not able to go into work at all on Friday, because of the weather. Thankfully, we got to our hotel in Joliet safely and without much problem. We were starving by the time everything was settled, so we went out to eat at El Burrito Loco. It was in sort of a shady part of town, and we were by far a minority. I was glad when I saw 3 policeman walk in before us, because I felt a bit safer. Kristy forgot her swimming suit, so we had to stop at Target and get her one. The hotel had a measly little swimming pool, but I personally thought it was great, because it's winter, and I wanted to go swimming. Plus, even when it is summer, I usually don't get to swim that much because I work during the day. We woke up at an early 7 o clock Saturday morning to start our day. Thankfully they served a continental breakfast at the hotel. We made it to the train station with out any problems. We did get a little panicked when our train was 30 minutes late. It was a nice hour ride. Amber told us, walk with confidence like you know where you are going when we get off. And then when we did get off, I'm pretty sure it was obvious that we were not from Chicago. We got a taxi, which was first for me, and rode off to the Museum of Science and Industry. I hadn't been there since 7th grade, and most of them had never been there. It definitely is one of my favorite museums. It has so many awesome exhibits and hands on things. I think most of us agreed that our favorite was the display of human fetuses. Some people may get weird out by that, but it was so amazing. And then the next room had a video showing the growth of the baby in the mother's womb. It showed how awesome God really is. I liked how Amber put it. How can you not believe in God after seeing that? It truly is something that only God could accomplish. We also went on this coal mine tour, which turned out to be super interesting. You road a mine shaft down and then saw the different machinery and tools they used. He talked about how dangerous it was, and apparently our group laughed whenever he said things got hurt or died, because he teased us about it. Oh dear. We left around 2:30ish and head to Giordano's for a very late lunch. I can't believe I have never had that pizza before. It is by far the best pizza I have ever had. I wish you all could have been there to hear our sighs of delight when we took our first bites. It was seriously amazing. Too bad we don't have any Giordano's near us. We walked over to Millineum Park, which I love. We went to the Bean for probably 5 minutes, and then went to wait in line to go ice skating. It was such a long time, and by the time we got to the front of the line we had to leave, so we didn't even get to go. We were so bummed, but it was still fun watching other people ice skate. We were absolutely freezing, so thankfully there was a Starbucks across the street. It was soooo packed. And then the catastrophe happened. I spilled my grande Chai Tea latte. I only had 2 sips from it. I about cried. And I was so cold that I had to order another one. The barista was so nice she gave it to me for free! So thank you Starbucks barista, you made my day! We jumped on another taxi and headed to the train station to go home. The roads were not the best, but we made it home safely, for which we were so thankful. It was such a wonderful weekend! Here are a few pictures.
 I made a big cookie for them for Valentine's day....

 And this is how they eat it.
 My friends are so cool.
 She was irritated with me....
 We were pretty matchy-matchy.
 Group picture at the train station
Part of the train station. It was so cute.
This is such an awkward picture. We tried to do self timer but there was no flat surface, so it's tilted, and out of focus.
Doing the boy band pose:)
 Museum of Science and Industry
 I definitely always thought this was Cinderella's castle, but I was told that it is actually Aurora's. This is made all out of legos.
We aced the Disney princess quiz:)

This is part of the train. It was a huge set up.
Coal Mine Experience
We went to an Atom party....
 I hope this doesn't creep anyone out, but I think it is so utterly amazing. Look at how little it is, and you can still see the little toes and ribs. God is so creative and makes such intricate things.
This is my "support" system for when I am stressed.

Hannah has powers.
 My dad was proud that I went to the chick hatchery. Like I've never seen it before. It's happening all the time at our house.

This is seriously a slice of heaven.
 Kristy's face is literally the face you get when you take your first bite:)
Picture in the bean.
 The bean. See if you can find Amber, Hannah, Kristy, and Jaylyn.
 Ice skating at Millineum Park. I loved all the lights strung in the trees and the lamp posts.
 Kristy and Hannah at Starbucks. This is after I spilled my latte. And it went all over Kristy:(
 Typical coffee-in-the-hand picture:)
Jaylyn and Amber.
Train ride home. It was pretty empty, except for the lady behind us that was completely ignoring her crying child by putting her headphones in and would occasionally yell at her. Yeah, we were a little frustrated with her parenting style. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Single, Satisfied, and Sent

I know for some singles, Valentine's Day can be a struggle. For me, not so much, but not everyone is the same. I have come across some really good articles on how to glorify God in our single life. It really is an incredible time God has given us, and we need to use it to it's fullest. There are so many opprotunities to reach out to the lost, to travel, to develop deeper relationships, and to worship God with other believers. I'm sure there are opportunities to do that when you are married too, but it is probably more scarce. God has given us this time to enjoy, not to waste away wishing things were different. Live it to it's fullest. Here is one of my favorite articles.

Single, Satisfied, and Sent: Mission for the Not-Yet Married

by: Marshall Segal

If you’re single, Satan is after you.
Okay, he’s after all of us, but there are some unique dangers in singleness — especially in unwanted singleness. He loves to deceive and discourage single people in the church and derail our devotion and ministry. But God intends to use you, your faith, your time, and your singleness in radical ways right now, as you are.
You might come away from a reading of 1 Corinthians 7 with two categories in mind: those who will live, serve, and die single and those who must marry. Paul sings singleness’s praises, listing the spiritual benefits of being spouse-free. The single life can be (relatively) free from relational anxieties (7:32), worldly distractions (7:33), and wide open for worship, devotion, and ministry (7:35). So, Paul concludes, skip the ceremony, literally, and enjoy “your undivided devotion to the Lord.”
Most say, “More power to you, Paul… but I’m getting married.” Maybe temptation overwhelms you, and you need a God-honoring way to satisfy that longing (7:2). Maybe it’s abundantly clear that you need a helper to carry out God’s call on your life (or it’s abundantly clear to others that you do). Maybe you want to have kids and realized that you need help with that. Maybe you just have a deep, undeniable desire for a loving, committed companion. In each case, it is good for you to get married.
While it may seem like two categories at first, we soon discover in application that there are three: the single, the married, and the not-yet married. After all, as any single person knows, a desire for marriage does not a marriage make. My hope in reflecting on Paul’s words is to restore hope and ambition in the hearts of the not-yet married and set them solidly on mission in their singleness.

All Dressed Up and Everywhere to Go

Perhaps the greatest temptation in singleness is to assume marriage will meet our unmet needs, solve our weaknesses, organize our lives, and unleash our gifts. Far from the solution, Paul makes marriage out to be a kind of problematic Plan B of Christian life and ministry. Marry if you must, but be warned, following Jesus is not easier when you join yourself to another sinner in a fallen world.
While marriage may bring joy, help, and relief in certain areas, it immediately multiplies your distractions because you’re intimately responsible for this other person, his or her needs, dreams, and growth. It’s a high calling and a good calling, but a demanding one that will keep you from all kinds of other good things.
Therefore, for the not-yet married, our (temporary) singleness is a gift. It really is. If God leads you to marriage, you may never again know a time like the one you’re in right now. A season of singleness is not merely the minor leagues of marriage. It has the potential to be a unique period of undivided devotion to Christ and undistracted ministry to others.
With the Spirit in you and the calendar clear, God has given you the means to make a lasting difference for his kingdom. You’re all dressed up, having every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3), with literally everywhere to go.
With God’s help and leading, you have the freedom to invest yourself, your time, your resources, your youth, and your flexibility in relationships, ministries, and causes that can bear unbelievable fruit.
So, here are eight suggestions for making the most of your not-yet married life.

1. Avoid Trading Marital Distractions for Other Distractions

Paul may have been right about our freedom from spousal concerns, but in an iPhone, iPad, iPod, whatever iWant world, single people never have trouble finding their share of diversions. In fact, if you’re like me, you crave diversion and tend to default there, whether it’s SportsCenter, Downton Abbey, working out, fancy eating, endless blogging and blog-reading, surveying social media, or conquering the latest game. We might call it resting, but too often it looks, smells, and sounds a lot like we’re wasting our singleness.
“Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Everything just mentioned can be done for God’s glory, and it all can be a dangerous distraction from it. If you deny the latter, you may need to put down the smartphone, controller, or treadmill.
Look for ways Satan might be undermining your mission with short and simple pleasures. You may not need to eliminate it, but limit it and look for ways to welcome others into your life through it. Be creative and make disciples over college basketball, cooking, or Call of Duty, rather than going AWOL from God’s mission because of them.

2. Say “Yes” to the Spontaneous

It’s just a fact, marriage murders spontaneity — not entirely, but massively. If you haven’t learned this yet, I doubt any of your (formerly spontaneous) friends have gotten married.
One of your greatest spiritual gifts as a single person is your “Yes.” Yes to a random phone conversation. Yes to coffee. Yes to help with the move. Yes to stepping in when someone’s sick. Yes to a late-night movie or the special event downtown. You have the unbelievable freedom to say yes when married people can’t even ask the question. When the spouse doesn’t exist, you can’t hurt them with your selfless, impulsive decisions. Be willing to say Yes! and bless others, even when you don’t always feel like it.

3. Practice Selflessness While You’re Still Alone

“Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3–4 will only get harder in marriage, so practice now.
Think of a couple people or families for whom you could lay down your single life. No one is expecting you to care and provide for others right now — no one, that is, except for God. So be mindful of the needs of others, especially those in the church, and consider contributing. It could be money or food or just time and energy. Maybeespecially time and energy. Regardless of your paycheck, you have been given much. Spend it wisely and liberally on the needs of others.
Financially, you’re supporting just one person. Sure, save modestly for days when you’ll need more, but while you wait, look for ways to provide for others. While you’re not buying groceries for five, dinner for two, and endless diapers, budget to bless and develop attitudes and habits of sacrifice for others. It will serve your future spouse immensely and make Jesus shine beautifully to those around you in the meantime.

4. Do Radical, Time-Consuming Things for God

Just as you are free to say yes to more spontaneous things, you’re also able to say yes to things that require more of you than a married person can afford. Dream bigger, more costly dreams. Start a daily prayer meeting or some regular outreach. Commit to multiple discipleship relationships. Organize a new Christ-centered community service project. Do all of the above. You’d be surprised, with God’s Spirit in you and a resolve to spend your singleness well, how much you and your single friends are truly capable of, especially when you dream and work together.
Be radical, but not reckless. The idea is not to spread yourself dangerously thin, so make decisions prayerfully and in community with people who love you and can tell you, “No.” My perception, however, is that most not-yet-married believers can afford to give or do more than they are.

5. Spend Time with Married People

The longer you’re not-yet-married, the more time you have to learn about marriage from other people’s successes and failures. While you can’t avoid your own set of marital missteps and sins, you certainly can increase the odds of successes, small and large, by being a good student beforehand.
Look for opportunities to be a regular part of a married person’s life and family. If you’re not around enough to see any ugliness or messiness, perhaps you’re not around enough. Don’t impose on people, but don’t be afraid to initiate the conversation, either. It could be as simple as having lunch with them after church on Sundays. Make it easy for them to say yes by being a willing and eager servant. Offer to babysit on date night or help with yard work or bring a meal when one of the kids goes down sick.
Then be a student. Watch carefully. Ask questions. Take notes on what to imitate. In all your observations, be humble and gracious (if you could see your future marriage, this would be less of an issue). As our minds and hearts are being shaped by Scripture for marriage, we need examples of flawed but faithful marriages. These kinds of ongoing relationships make the principles and lessons real and repeatable.

6. Spend Time with Not-Yet Married People

While married people provide an important perspective and example, you need people in your life who are experiencing the same feelings, longings, and temptations you are. You should find and invest in people who are asking the same questions as you and also seeking to make the most of this unique season of singleness for Jesus’s sake.
Think about it, though he was never married, Paul did most of his ministry with someone. Find the trusted, gifted, and mission-minded friends in your life and be accountable to one another to make your not-yet married life matter for the kingdom. Following Christ was never meant to be done alone, even when you’re single.

7. Find a Fiancé on the Front Lines

Instead of making it your mission to get married, make your mission God’s global cause and the advance of the gospel where you are, and look for someone pursuing the same. If you’re hoping to marry someone who passionately loves Jesus and makes him known, it’s probably best to put yourself in a community of people committed to that.
Join a small group, not just a group of single Christians, but one actively on mission together. Get plugged into a ministry in your church that’s engaging the lost in the local community. Focus on the harvest, and you’re bound to find a helper.

8. While You Wait, Hope in Jesus More Than Marriage

Make it true first. Spend lots of time satisfying your soul in all that God has become for you in Jesus. Then be bold to say it when all anyone wants to talk about is your love life. “So, any women in your life these days?” “Are the two of you an item?” “She’s a really great girl. What do you think about her?” “Would you be willing to go on a date with my wife’s cousin’s roommate’s brother?” Married people have lines, too.
Use the awkward small talk as an opportunity to point them to the Groom who purchased your eternal happiness whether in life or in death, in sickness or in health, whether in matrimony or “on the market.”
So when you feel lonely or discouraged in your singleness, remember that if you’re saved, you’re sent. Instead of waiting until your wedding day to get about the work, make the most of this not-yet-married life.

Happy Valentine's Day. Use today and everyday to reflect on the most perfect, self-sacrifical love. Jesus. Let Him love through you.

Enjoy your Valentine Festivities. I will be heading off to Chicago with my best friends to spend some quality time there with them. There is no better way to spend Valentine's day in my opinion.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Proverbs 5,6,7

My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding: That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge.
Proverbs 5:1-2

These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6:16-19

My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee.
Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye: Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart.
Proverbs 7:1-3

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Proverbs 4

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
Proverbs 4:18

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23

Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not from the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.
Proverbs 4:26-27

Monday, February 3, 2014

Sophie's 3rd Birthday and other life happenings

Sophie turned 3 on January 17th. Kind of hard to believe my baby sister is already 3! It's also hard to believe that I was so mad/embarrassed when Mom told us that she was going to have another baby. I guess that comes when you are 17. I'm so thankful for her. I can't imagine life with out her! She really is such a blessing from God. She is really into princesses right now, so that was kind of the theme of her birthday. She had 2 of her cousins come, Aubrey and Kylie. They were both soooo excited to go to Sophie's birthday. So here are a few pictures from the party.

 It's a little blurry, but I'm lucky I even got a picture with all of them in it and smiling. They were pretty excited to be with each other, so there wasn't much sitting around.

 Enjoying their princess cupcakes.
The same weekend as Sophie's birthday, was also Princeville/Bradford's Invite-a-Friend. It was such a great weekend. I kept Holly Funk(Morton), Erika Massner(Oakville), Tressa Sinn(Silverton), Jenna Wiegand(Silverton), Teresa Tribbett(Silverton), and Wendi Roth(Silverton). We stayed up way too late most nights, but I must say it was worth it. That's when the best conversations happen. The Silverton and Oakville people came on Friday night, which was our Princeville YG Bible study. After the Bible study we sand around the piano a bit. On Saturday, the Princeville people and their guests went to the fellowship hall to do some World Relief projects. I was in charge of lunch, so a lot of my morning was spent in the kitchen making sandwiches and making sure everything was in order. My guests were huge helps with that, so thanks girls, I appreciated your help! We had the normal supper and singing then on Saturday night. Sunday we had church, sang at Skylines, and then on the way home I drove the long way and took my guests up Grandview Drive. The houses up there are very impressive. We barely snuck in before the prayer for supper Sunday night. Monday, the Silverton people didn't fly out until 4:30ish, so after breakfast, we went over to Hannah Schick's where we just hung out, played a few rounds of ping pong, dutch blitz, giant jenga, and catch phrase(insert groan here). Margie also feed us lunch, which of course was delicious. We had a great time, especially with a smaller group. The pictures I am about to post, you may have already seen if you read Jenna's blog or Tressa's blog.
 Kendra Schmidgall, Teresa, Jenna, Tressa, and me. In height order:)
 Group photo at Hannah's.
The girls I kept except for Wendi. We didn't get a picture with her:( FromL-R Erika, me, Jenna, Holly, Tressa, Teresa.
Thanks again for coming girls. I had a blast. Until next time, which I hope comes sooner than later.

Other things that have transpired in my life since my last post have been.
-Aaron Funk and Kendra Leman's wedding last weekend in Washington.
-Getting lots and lots of snow this last Friday(ugh). If you haven't figured out yet, I'm NOT a winter girl.
-Testimonies and Baptisms this weekend in Princeville for Cody and Clayton Blunier. I felt very blessed and encouraged by the weekend. We have more baptisms in 3 weeks for 4 more people, and then again in March. We are definitely a blessed church to have so many turn to the Lord. I'm so thankful to be adding more to our Church family, and to the Body of Christ. To Him be GLORY!
-Next weekend, I believe I will be in Oakville for Invite-a-guest. My Great-Aunt Patty invited our family, so I think we are planning on going out.
-February 14th and 15th, I am going up to Chicago with Jaylyn Knobloch, Kristy Kieser, Hannah Schick, and Amber Ehnle so spend some quality time. We are NOT going shopping, but rather going to Shedd Aquarium, ice skating in Millineum Park, and maybe hitting a few other attractions. And of course experiencing authentic Chicago restaurants. We are pretty exciting to go.
-This week I am cat sitting/house sitting for one of the Vice President's at the bank. I've done it one other time, and I enjoy it. It's definitely different being at a house by yourself, and sleeping in a house by yourself in town. I usually pull all the curtains shut because it kind of freaks me out. And so does the cat. I never know where it is and then suddenly I look over and it's staring at me. Also, it really likes to sleep on the bed I sleep on and lay on my coat. Last night I had a difficult time getting it off my bed, and even more difficult time getting out of my room. There is no way I was going to let that cat in my room while I slept. I've decided I prefer dogs. They are much more friendly and less creepy. Mom thinks I'm crazy to live in a house with a cat, but she pretty much hates cats. Oh well, at least it's not permanent.

Someone recently told me, that they know someone who reads a chapter in Proverbs every day, and this person is the most wise person they have ever meet. I've decided to do that this year. I'm hoping I do glean wisdom from the experience, and also memorize verses. It helps that Proverbs has 31 chapters, so it's easy to read them in order. I will TRY to post a couple of verses a day from the chapter I read that day. Try is the key word. Based on how often I blog, it is likely it won't be every day. Hope you are all having a blessed winter and keeping warm and safe.

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favor and good  understanding in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:3-6

Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
Proverbs 3:9-13

For the Lord shall by thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.
Proverbs 3:26