So we went to Texas. It was nice and warm:) We left last Thursday and flew from Moline, IL to Dallas Fort Worth then to San Antonio. For most of our family, this was a first. When we took off in our first plane, Tessa was a bit surprised I think. When the plane started getting off the ground she was like woo, Woo, WOO. The people around us may have snickered a bit. When we arrived to Dallas Fort Worth we were overwhelmed. That place is HUGE! We didn't know our way around so we had to sprint to the nearest train to take us to gate. We got there just in time though. I'm not sure what time we arrived in San Antonio, but we had to get our rental vehicle also, so we didn't get to our hotel until around 11:00 I think. Maybe later, I forget. We got to sleep in a little. We at breakfast at Jim's, which was delicious. Then we headed to the Riverwalk for a while. It was beautiful. Probably one of my favorite parts of the trip. On Saturday we went to Sea World. It was pretty hot that day, but we had fun. I loved the shows, and the rides were pretty great also. We had to wait in line as the day got longer. Some were worth the wait, some not so much. We left at around 5. We ran into Craig and Terri Martin and their family quite bit there too. Sunday took us to Bastop Apostolic Christian Church. It was nice. Half the church was made up of people from Princeville. Maybe not quite that much:) We went home and took a nap and then went out to eat at Olive Garden, which was delicious. I split a meal with Cassie, and I'm pretty sure they gave us each a full meal, but only charged us for one. How nice:) I think our family must be quite charming or something. On Monday, we went to Corpus Chrisit. We spent the day at the beach, and it was super fun. I think all of us agreed that that was one of the best days. We collected a huge bucket of sea shells and then threw them back into the sand and watched them bury down into the sand. There were lots of seagulls around, and Dad thought it would be funny to get out the snacks. They flocked around us, and we were screaming and running. I wonder when my Dad will actually grow up. It sure is taking awhile. I guess he probably never will, and it's probably a good thing we never had a brother either. On Tuesday, we met the Martin's at Fort Sam. Both of my Grandpa's were stationed there as well as both of the Martin's fathers. It was sort of interesting. I guess for myself I thought it was neat, because we have the annual Fort Sam Reunions, and I never really knew where it was. They had this Quadrangle which I don't even know what it was except that it had animals in it. We walked in and there were Peacocks and ducks and other birds all around. There were also deer. The birds freaked me out, because they would just come right up to us looking for food. I haven't exactly had good experiences with chickens, so most birds freak me out a bit. The deer just ran away from us. We also went to the Riverwalk again, and just shopped around. We also got ice cream.:) I was being a bit grumpy and everyone was like Lynelle needs her ice cream. They know me well. On Wednesday, we went to the San Antonio Zoo. It was fun, until it started pouring. Then we took shelter in the Reptile House. Can't you just picture the Berchtold family in a Reptile House? After that, we went to the North Star Mall, which is HUGE. It was pretty fun though. We ate an early supper at Chipolte, which was a new experience to all my family members except me. It was good. Then we went headed home. It was a pretty short flight, and we got home at around 11:30. I think I am caught up with my sleep now. Here are some pictures, and I apologize for them being out of order.

The River Walk
At the Moline Airport. A new experience for Tessa. She loved it!
Our early supper on Wednesday night
Holiday Inn, where we stayed the first night
It is sandal season down there:)
More River walk
Dad and Mom and the River walk
Cassie on a rooster at one of the shops on the River Walk.
Shamu Show at Sea World
Dad and Tessa on the Shamu ride. They had to wait in line for 30 minutes to ride a 30 second ride.
The Seal show
The clown at the Azul Show
They had amazing acrobats.
Have you ever seen a Walrus doing sit ups? Now you have.
Sunday dinner
An awesome house that was on the same street as our Bed and Breakfast
At the beach on Monday
Tessa felt sick, so she held her head over her beach bucket. She never got sick
The girls transformed me into a mermaid.
The Seagalls attacking us
A cannon at Fort Sam.
A beautiful peacock. I hate them. They are scary.
More birds at the Quadrangle.
Claire and Tasha getting "shot" out of a cannon.
Our family at Fort Sam.
Some deer at the Quadrangle.
The Alamo. It was way smaller than I thought it would be. And pretty boring.
Delicious Mocha Almond Fudge ice cream. My weakness.
A stupid cockroach somehow got in our room the last night.
I found Dory!
Flamingos at the San Antonio Zoo.
Our family at the zoo.
We took shelter with the Iguanas.
It was a bit flooded.
And that is all folks. I'm thankful it is getting somewhat warmer here in Illinois. I hope you all had a wonderful week also!
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