Wednesday, November 6, 2013

This Is Me

So here are a few questions I answered about myself. Some you probably know, and some you will probably be surprised by. But enjoy learning more about me. And maybe when I have a little more time, I'll post an update with some pictures. Something a little more exciting than book reviews, and Posts about myself. Any my apologies for the large spaces. I copy and pasted, which made huge spaces, and I'm too lazy to erase the spaces.
Which flavour of ice-cream do you prefer?


Do you play a musical instrument, if so which one(s)?

The piano, just a little though. I use to play the dulcimer a little too, but it’s been quite a while.

What do you usually do when you have leisure time on your hands?

Nothing. But I probably would read, cook, shop, go out to eat, or sew.

What is your favourite season and why?

Fall, but I think you all know that. It’s my favourite because, I love the clothes, the food, the weather, the trees, everything about it.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

I have always wanted to go to Israel and Alaska. Kind of two different places, but I would love to go to both.

Who is your best friend and how did you meet?

I have lots of best friends, but my very best friend (besides Jesus of course) is probably Amber Ehnle. I can’t remember when we exactly met, but my first real memories of her is in Kindergarten, so ours has been a long friendship.

How many siblings do you have?

6 sisters (but I think most of you know that too)

Do you have pets?

Yes, my dog Twixie. I love her tooJ She’s a good watch dog. She’s good a scaring people off, even if they aren’t people who aren’t supposed to be scared off.

When was the last time you visited a park and what did you do while there?

Probably when I went to Mathessien State Park in October. We hiked while there. And sang in caves, which attracted quite the crowd, who decided we were good enough to record, and take pictures of. Awkward…

What job do you think you would most enjoy as an adult?

Technically I’m an adult right? By a couple of years. Well, my dream job would be opening my own small cafĂ©/bakery/bookstore.

Do you hope to have children of your own? If so how many.

Yes, but this is a hard question. 3 of my own, and I’ve always dreamed of adopting to, so who knows how many! I’ll take what the Lord gives me, whether that’s 0 or 13(which I really hope now...)

Where did you spend your last family vacation?

San Antonio, Texas (really great vacation by the way)

Do you have relatives in other states? If so, which ones?

Extended relatives. All my mom’s siblings live in Illinois, not to mention less than an hour from us. It’s a big blessing having your family close.

What size shoe do you wear?

6. I know, I have teensy feet.

How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?

Close to 30 I think. But some are seasonal shoes, so that’s a justification right?

Which relative lives closest to you home?

Probably Adam and Brittany.

When did you last visit the zoo?

This summer I took my 3 youngest sisters to the zoo. I hadn’t been there in a long time, plus Sophie had never been to the zoo.

Have you ever stayed on a farm?

Umm….I live on a farm? Well, sort of a farm. More of a grain farm rather than an animal farm (with the exception of our chickens.)

Have you ever been horseback riding?

Yes, it’s been probably 3 or 4 years. Last time we went was when we went to Yellowstone in Wyoming.

Have you ever been water skiing?

No, and there’s a reason too. I’d probably fail at that. Just guessing.

What do you most like to do in the snow?

That is looks pretty. I really actually quite despise snow. Winter is probably my worst season.

Is your room more clean or more messy?

Messy. Really messy. But it’s an organized messy. Like I know where everything is, but no one else does.

What do you prefer to drink with your morning meal?


Do you like sweet treats or salty treats?

Sweet all the way. I have a sweet tooth. I got made fun of the other night, because I decided to buy candy instead of a mug. But really, we have plenty of mugs at home, and we don’t really have a log of candy…

Do you share a bedroom?

Nope, and it’s been quite a while since I have. It’s nice for me, and others. They don’t like messy rooms, so it works both ways.

Where is the farthest you have ever travelled?

Probably Magdalena, Mexico, which was an amazing trip. I was a sophomore in high school when I went.

Which family member do you most resemble?

I hear I look like the Steiner’s, so probably my Mom.

Which family member are you more like?

I would have to say I’m pretty similar to my Dad, which I think is good. I like my Dad’s personality.

Do you prefer mountainous or flat regions?

This is hard. Mountainous areas are absolutely breath-taking, but I also appreciate flat cornfields, because it’s where I come from.

Have you ever been in a musical drama or play? If so, what was it?

Yes, several actually. The first one was Tom Sawyer when I was in 8th grade, the 2nd, a Christmas Madrigal when I was a freshman, the third, Rockin’ American when I was a sophomore, and the fourth, Beauty and the Beast when I was a junior. They were all musicals if you were wondering.

Have you ever been hospitalized other than when you were born?

Yes, twice. Once it was for a stiff neck, which ended up being nothing at all (mind you this was when I was probably 8 or 9) and then again when I got my leg stuck in a large chain, and some boy yanked it out, leaving some of my leg still on the chain. Gross, I know. I had to get stitches, and I know have a very large scar on the back of my right leg.

What is your favourite fruit?

Hmm…I love fruit. Probably one of my favourites is pineapple though. I love pineapple.

What colour of clothing do you most like to wear?

I wear ton of black. It’s a very versatile colour, so I own a lot of clothing with black in it.

What is your favourite cereal?

Honey Nut cherrios.

What is your favourite breakfast?

I eat cereal almost every morning. I like pancakes and waffles too. And breakfast burritos, and parfaits, and omelettes. Ok, so I just love breakfast in general. It’s the best meal of the day by far.

What is the longest car trip you have ever taken?

Probably when we drove to Colorado last year.

Do you know how to iron your clothes?

Yes. I love ironing. I iron my clothes all.the.time. I absolutely despise wrinkly clothes. Kind of ironic when I hate a messy room, huh?

Can you sew a button on your clothing?

Yes, I find it quite simple.

Have you ever cut your own hair?

Unfortunately yes. It looked like a “V” when I was done. It was the last time I ever did that.

Are you creative in any way? If so, which way(s)?

I would like to think so, and I have also been told so. I am creative with my clothing, with crafts, with food, with planning, with life in general. I think there so many opportunities to be creative, so I try to take them when they comeJ

1 comment:

  1. hey, this is will & joanna. that was a fun post. now we know you better. :) keep using your talents for God!
