It's been awhile since I posted about what I've been up to. There's probably a reason for that. Either I'm really busy or I procrastinate writing. It could quite possibly be a combination of the two. On a good note, there will be plenty of pictures, because I have been doing a bit better at remembering my camera and taking pictures. And, well it's fall, and I love taking pictures during fall. So many fun activities going on, and the weather is absolutely gorgeous. To start this update, I'll tell everyone how my preschool job is going. I love it! I'm thankful I only do it once a week though, because I may not love it as much as I do. I love when a little voice says, "Hey, Miss Lynelle?" Oh, it's just so adorable. And they say the funniest things and have the funniest ideas. How can you not love them? The next thing I will update you with is our trip to Tanner's Orchard one fine fall evening. It was just me and the three youngest girls. We headed over to Tanner's after Cassie and Tessa got home for school and spent some time there. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.

If you are wondering if Sophie was really enjoying it or not, she was. Don't let that face fool you:)
And look how brave my little Sophie is! No fear at all.
And she would climb this large hill, and then run down, and face plant at the bottom because she was running too fast.
Conquerors(except Tessa)!
We forgot to get a picture in front of Tanner's so this is the best we could do. It was such a fun evening!
And then this past weekend, Jaylyn Knobloch and I were in charge of the High School girls camp out. What a day. It was Friday night/Saturday morning. I had a bit of a rough day on Friday. When I got to work, I found out that I actually got to work an hour later than I was suppose to, because I came in at my regular Friday time, so I was kind of upset about that. And then, I found out that one of my co-workers(another Teller) was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, so that made it even more rough. Your prayers for her would be appreciated also. And then I got majorly lost on my way to Jim and Marlene Plattner's lake house(where the campout was). I finally gave into my GPS, which of course lost satellite, so I really had no idea where I was going. When I finally got there, I realized I forgot the plates and cups(thank goodness Jim and Marlene are stocked!). That's when I just broke down and started crying. I'm pretty sure everyone was like what is her problem, crying over plates and cups. It got better as the evening went on, and I actually enjoyed it a a lot. So here are some pictures I have from the campout.

The candy apples were my idea and they turned out pretty good. I think everyone enjoyed making them, and then of course eating them:)
Giant Dutch Blitz. It was kind of intense, and I may have gotten a scratch or two.
It was getting too late.
We did a relay game where everyone had a different handicap, and they had to all work together to get something done.
Next are some pictures of Cassie and Tessa that I took last night. I think they turned out pretty well.
Sophie did exceptionally well. It was 10x better than the last time we tried taking pictures.
You may notice that I did not take very many of Tessa and there are several reasons for that.
1) I already took her to 2 different locations for pictures
2) She lost a whole bunch of teeth since the last time we took her pictures
Another thing I did recently was go to Jail Services one Sunday morning. It was an amazing opportunity. We had 3 different services. One with the women and two with the men. We were facing the inmates, and I could not get over the fact that I am just like them and that God loves them just as much as He loves me. They were given opportunity to stand up and share, and one man shared his testimony. It was really awesome. One thing he said really stuck out to me, because I had never heard it before. He said, "There is no testimony until you've been tested." How true that is! Then one inmate sang a song. First he stood up at the podium and didn't do anything. We all just kind of looked at each other like what is he doing, and then he sang. It was beautiful, and you could tell he meant every word that he sang. Another inmate had a beautiful prayer that literally made me tear up(which isn't very hard to do). Princeville has Jail services on the months with five Sundays. I had never gone before, but I will definitely be going next time.
This last Sunday, I went to Mattiessen State Park with some others from church. It was a pretty cold day, but it was so much fun to hike. I always forget how much I enjoy hiking until I do it again. The van I was riding in hit a deer on the way up, and it totaled the van. It was kind of a scary accident, but no one was injured thankfully. While we were hiking, we(Hannah Schick, Kristy Kieser, Larissa Herrmann, and I) went into a cave and sang a few songs. A lady came up to us and told us it was so beautiful and asked if she could take our picture. It was kind of awkward, but I'm glad that somebody was able to hear and enjoy it. We are already planning another hiking trip for this Sunday also, with more Sisters and a few high school girls. I'm so excited for it!
So that's a little update of my small life. I hope you enjoyed being updated:) I am beginning to enjoy more and more this stage of life I am in (being employed and not going to school). It's only by God changing my heart and perspective that I can truly enjoy it. I have been able to be home more, and play with my sisters, and I really do love it. I hope everything is going well with everyone else, and hopefully you are all enjoying this beautiful fall weather.