Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Invite-A-Friend and other going ons

It's been crazy, but hopefully it's almost over. I'll go into more detail about the wedding later. I don't have any pictures yet, so I'm waiting for those to do a post. Our house is pretty much a disaster since our stuff is everywhere but the basement. I think today some guys are coming to stretch the carpet we are keeping and stuff like that. Some of our doors won't even shut in the basement because of swelling. I will be so glad when I am back in my room and can actually sleep on a real bed. This weekend I was in Oakville for the first time in 9 months. I use to go all the time last year. It was such a great weekend. I had to work on Saturday, so my carload left at 1:30. We were the last of 3 carloads from Princeville that went. I'm pretty sure overwhelmed some people. It was invite-a-friend, but there were some Princeville girls who went to visit Kory and Brooke. I drove with Larissa Feucht and Tory Herrmann. I was pretty proud of myself when I made it there without a GPS. I even could drive to Brooke and Kory's in town! We sat around and talked for a while and then those who were going to the invite left. I was invited by Erika Massner. I actually knew her before she started repenting. I was converted, but she wasn't and I stayed there the past 2 years for the Steiner Reunion. I really like there house a lot. They have like 30 or more stuffed animals in their family room. Not like plush stuffed animals, like animals they shot. They have a rattlesnake, opossum, raccoons, a coyote, and all other kinds. They have a huge lake/pond. It's so awesome. Super secluded, although Erika told me that their neighbors have a small zoo behind their house. How cool is that? She also invited her cousin Kendra Schmidgall from Morris. We are all the same age. She also is like 6'1". Yeah. Erika pretty much invited the tallest and shortest girls. Kendra literally topped quite a few of the men. She was so awesome! I seriously had such a great weekend. Probably also because I knew most everyone there. Sunday we went to the new church. It was a first for me, and it was kind of weird feeling. It almost didn't really feel like Oakville. It is a nice church though. Erika got announced for peace Sunday, so I will probably be there again in June. Thankfully another one of my friends from there is getting baptized the same weekend so I don't have to go out twice. Not that I would really mind, but I am doing a lot of traveling this year. One thing I'm not very good at is driving home from Oakville. Usually it's night time, so everything looks different and I can't get back the way I came. I usually have to use the GPS, but not this time:) I was especially proud of myself on the way home. Tory Herrmann road home with me, and we had some nice talks. Last night I went to the nursing home. We had an awesome turn out, and I really enjoyed singing more than normal last night. After that, I went to the singing after the bible study at ICC with Katie Schick and Amber. Afterwards we stopped at McDonald's and got 3 waters and 3 strawberry lemonade things. I'm pretty sure they thought we were weird, but we were really thirsty. It probably also doesn't help when Amber starts chatting with the drive-thru person. We had some really awesome talks, just talking about what we were struggling with and things that bother us. I just love those talks. I am so blessed to have the girls from Princeville and of course those from other churches also. I only have a few weeks left of school, and you have no idea how excited I am for it to be done with. I have been searching for plane tickets for Ixtlan, Mexico where I will be going in July with 4 other girls. I am super excited for that. I am also in charge of buying plane tickets for the invite to Oregon over Labor Day weekend. I am excited to go there too, since I have never been there. Lately, I feel like life is really speeding up. It's kind of scary how fast time flies, but we know we have an unchanging God, and that is so comforting! Hope you are all having a good week and going outside for at least a couple of minutes.

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