Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wisdom from Others

I had a great weekend. Sunday was Brittany Martin and Tim Schwind's wedding. It was really nice. The reception was just a snack, so after the reception, I went out to eat with my Grandpa Berchtold and Ryan and Ashley. We went to Bob Evans and Grandpa told us his engagement story and some army stories. It was really fun, and I learned a lot about my Grandpa that I had never known before. As we were driving home, I was thinking how fast life goes. My Grandma died about 7 years ago, and it probably seems longer than that to my Grandpa. Here I am, wishing life would go faster, and wishing I could be in a different stage of life, instead of enjoying it while I have it. I really should be thankful for the stage of life I am in, because it is a stage where you are learning so much spiritually, and educationally as well. Something else I have been thinking of lately which is completely off the topic is decisions. On Saturday night, the Young Group was at Doug and Ann Stahl's for a supper and singing and they were passing around a sheet to sign up for Elderly Singing. I told Ashley that her and Ryan should host Elderly Singing. She said she would have to talk to Ryan about it before she signed up and I was like "Oh, brother." and then afterwards I felt bad, because she really was taking the right approach to it. Then, I thought I should be doing the same thing with God. I should go to Him with all my decisions, whether they are big or small. I should always consult Him. It is something that is so basic, but so hard to remember to do.

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