Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Lord is great, and greatly to be praised....

One thing that has really been on my mind lately is praise. On Saturday night at the invite, my table was talking about their different experiences at Jamaica and deaf people. Myca Steffen went to school for interpreting, so she knows quite a bit about deaf people. I thought later how awful it must be to not know what music sounded like. Obviously if you were deaf it probably wouldn't bother you as much. Deaf people obviously have a beautiful way of praising God, but I wonder how I would praise God without music. When I am really thankful and feel God's love just shining on me, I praise him with song, but I wondered to myself, what are other ways to praise him. I still wonder, but one of the best ways is just living our life for him and being a light. Then yesterday as I was sitting with Seth during break, he was telling of a girl that had been sitting there early and had her music cranked and was singing very loudly. He said she didn't even hit one right note, and it sounded awful. I just felt so bad for her, because I know I just love to sing, and it would be awful not to sing. Maybe I am just more into music than others. Sometimes I think it would be good for us to not use music to praise God for awhile, because then we would have to try harder to praise him and it would be more meaningful. There has been a part of a song that has really stuck out to me lately. It goes like this, "If I had no voice, if I had no tongue, I would dance for You like the rising sun.". Is that how we would praise God if we didn't have music. Think about how much humility that would take to dance for God! That would probably bring out true worship though. Other ways I think I would praise God without music is poetry and writing. I love words. Probably I would also praise with tears. Most of you know I am pretty emotional, and sometimes when God's love overwhelms me, I just sit and cry and praise him. It's such a beautiful way to praise God! If any of you have other ways in which you praise God, I would love to hear so comment below!

Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Psalm 103:1

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