Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lessons from a Psychology Class

In my last Psych class, we were learning about optical illusions. Because I am not good at explaining things, and would probably completely confuse you if I tried, I will give you a visual aid which is above. My teacher was explaining how because there is something that blocks our vision of seeing a whole thing, we think it looks broken up or not lined up, as you can see above. She told us a story of two planes that were on opposite sides of a cloud, and knew the other plane was on the other side. The control towers were telling each plane to keep going straight so they wouldn't run into each other, but both pilots thought they would run into each other, so they moved over a bit, and ended up crashing into each other, because they didn't listen to the control tower. This easily can be taken to a spiritual level with God being the control tower and us being the pilots. So often we think we know a better way for ourselves try to adjust our course, only to crash into something and make it more difficult. Our human nature is to think that we know what is best for ourselves, but if we would just trust God, everything would turn out much better. It may not turn out how we had wanted it to, but God knows what is best for us, and his directions are much better than trying to find our way on our own. So let's encourage each other to continually trust God and stay on the straight and narrow.

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