At least that's probably what's going through your mind since I finally decided to blog. I can't believe the wedding was already over a month ago. Crazy how fast time flies. The weekend was wonderful, and one we probably won't forget anytime soon. Many tears(do you expect anything less from a family of girls?), but also so much rejoicing. We are sooo excited to have Adam in our family, and this new stage of life is more fun that what I was expecting. I was dreading it, because let's be honest, I'm not really good at accepting change, but it seems like I always build things up in my mind way and have this horrible expectations, when in reality it isn't half as bad as I think it will be. So about the weekend. Friday was a bit tight scheduled and stressful. We set up for the reception which went fairly well. Not every detail was planned so there was a lot of just winging it with the decorations. On the Wednesday before, Julie Hanson, Kourtney and Kaylie Stahl, and I put together the decorations, which I personally thought turned out quite beautifully. Pretty time consuming, but the end result was worth it. So by Friday my emotions were pretty high thus resulting in me crying over tulle while setting up for the reception. Quite embarrassing to admit, but it's true. I hate tulle, Rhea loves it. It was her reception so I tried to not put up too much of a fight, but that doesn't mean there wasn't tears. Good thing my personality allows me to laugh at myself. After the fellowship hall was decorated, I had to rush into Peoria to pick up my shoes, which were being stretched. Totally worth the time crunch, because my feet thanked me later for that. Then I rushed home(but not before I stopped at Starbucks of course) and get my hair done, and get dressed for pictures. The photographer(Signature Photos) was not available to take pictures on Saturday evening, which is why we did it Friday night. It was absolutely beautiful that night, so we are thankful for that. It all went fairly quickly which was nice. After we were done, Claire and I decided we were hungry, so we stopped at Buffalo Wild Wings after pictures to get take out. Then who pulls next to us there but Lisa, Jaylyn, and Rhea, who apparently had the same craving as us. Claire made me go in, which caused much staring and wondering why I was so dressed up. We then preceded to go home and all pig out. This is normal right? Saturday was pretty relaxing for the most part since we didn't have to worry about pictures. The rehearsal dinner was at two25 in Peoria, which was really good. I haven't been that emotional in a long, long time. I definitely cried more than Rhea did, especially when she started talking. I don't hold up very well when it comes to sentimentality. It was a very special night though. Not many pictures from the rehearsal dinner. I took less than 5 pictures all weekend, so sorry for my lack of pictures.

Bride and Bridesmaids at the rehearsal dinner
And then Sunday we got Rhea all married off and she is officially a Pfaffmann. It makes me laugh at how much less nervous I was at Rhea's wedding than at Ryan and Ashley's wedding. Cassie was soooo nervous though, but she did great, and there was no tripping or falling down the aisle(that's what weddings are all about right?) The reception went over very well, and surprisingly I was able to enjoy it. The worst part was cleaning up the reception. When we got home, we all went to our rooms and cried. And for the next couple of days, we cried some more. I cried when I was snipping beans at the table, because I realized we would have an empty spot. My family laughed at me. Now that you have all diagnosed me as a complete emotional wreck let's move on….
The Bride and Groom-my favorite couple
Rhea and her ushers
The wedding party, we are a dashing group if I must say so myself
The groomsmen and ushers looking quite spiffy in their suits. Good job picking those out Adam and Rhea:)
The Pfaffmann family
Adam and Rhea, Max and Mary
Daniel, Wendi, and Henry
Luke, Heidi, Bridget, Carter, and Allison
Rhea is an aunt to some pretty adorable kids
Adam and his siblings
Our family(why do we look so big?)
Adam and Rhea, Mom and Dad
Father of the Bride-what a handsome man:)
Kisses for the new Mrs
Dad and his girls
And Adam and his new posse
Mom and her girls
And one silly one of course. Dad's empty pockets. I guess that's what girls do to you. We like to kindly remind him that Rhea's only the first…