It's been awhile since I lasted posted on the blog. It seems that this is what I always begin my posts with. I'm starting to see a trend. The biggest news in our family is that my sister Rhea is engaged to Adam Pfaffmann from Washington. So lots of excitement and planning is going on in the Berchtold family. He's pretty brave to be the first guy to enter our family. Lots of people have been wondering how I've been doing since the engagement of my little sister. So I'll try to update you as much as possible. It's been going so well. I always had a feeling she would get married before me, and I really, really dreaded it. And it's not nearly as bad as I made it up in my mind. In fact, it's not bad at all. God has worked in my heart so much since she told me. It really is such a miracle. The first week was a little rough. I clung to chapter 27 in Psalms. It seemed like exactly what I needed at the time. The verse that stuck out and convicted me most was verse 6 which says "And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord." It made me realize, that though my plans may have been a little undone, I needed to choose joy. And that was a sacrifice of my pride. But, through that, it has made everything different. I am honestly so excited and thankful for both of them, and I can honestly say I am not jealous. I am really content with where I'm at right now in life. My job is going better than it ever has, I have incredible friends, and I am truly enjoying the stage of life I'm in. Poor Holly has probably gotten annoyed of my saying how happy I am right now, but it's so true. God is so good. And his grace is sufficient for each day. That is another concept that was really made real to me. We don't have to depend on yesterday's grace for today. Each day comes with a new amount of grace. I know that is the only way I am able to have the attitude I have today, and the perspective I have. It's only by His sustaining grace to get me through each day. So I guess it's about time for a picture:)